Crystallizations Zine 2
Crystallizations is back with Issue 2, 40 pages packed full of brain puzzling vibratory mash-ups wrapped in a subtle cloud of wistful suburban malaise. If you have felt these feels - or even if you haven't - check this out and walk a mile in someone else's shoes, or at least a few pages. 20 pages go in one direction, and then flip for 20 more...
Chock full of photographic exploration and super drawings from ourselves and those small guys we like to keep close. Live it, love it, Buy it if you Want it. From our house to yours, xo The CZ crew ::))
The Crystallizations zine is an occasional publication by Vanessa Samp and Bree Apperley focused on the grand theme of Motherhood.
With this project we are hoping to reclaim Motherhood as a creative and caring force and counter the one-dimensional projections of Motherhood that are offered by mainstream media.